Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer break is in 2.5 weeks (yay!...finally)
This break for me will be lots of traveling- first stop: Lincoln, NE, second stop: Hillman, MI, third stop: Savannah, GA.
I am so excited to go home, excited to go to Michigan....well, just excited to get out of Georgia.

This break will be a "working" break--a break that is going to start the snowball of decisions that need to be made. December 2013 is my projected graduation date, September 2013 is when I extern in an office--add boards on top of that. Basically, the last 9 months of my education is loaded with big exams.
But, I'm not the only one that has decisions...the boy has his career we have to take into consideration. He's the money maker, I'm the bank breaker. Seriously. At the end all my school shenanigans we will take on a loan payment that is as much as a house {a little intimidating}. Yes, I know it will be worth it in the end--and I will be doing something I love doing; it was just a bit expensive.

So...we're at the cross roads right now.
Michigan...Nebraska? Somewhere in between?

We have our "plan," but as we all know life is full of twists, turns and somersaults.
At the end of the day all we can do is pray. Pray that the decisions that need to be made become more clear.

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